Chris is ranked #396 and is more popular as a boy name.
Michelle is ranked #66 and is more popular as a girl name.
Taylor is ranked #22 and is more popular as a girl name.
Brooke is ranked #44, Brookelle is not found at all, and is more popular as a girl name.
Presley is ranked #558 and is more popular as a girl name.
To see how popular your name is go to First names and what they mean.
Spinach Artichoke Sun-Dried Tomato Dip
2 days ago
I'm am very grateful to know that my name is never used as a boy name. That is so cool. I looked on that site and I was up in 200's in popularity. When I was in grade school I always thought my name meant Forever Young. It says that in some name books. That site says Julie means Soft Haired. Isn't that wierd?
This is funny: Kate is a boy name in SCOTland. :)
Oh, that is true your hair is very soft! It was meant to be!
Kate a boy name!? What does Scotland know anyway!
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