Saturday, January 3, 2009

Birthday Countdown

We were born in January
We both like dairy
Our favorite color is pink
There might be a link
One is the mother
The other is her daughter
Someones getting old
And the others just plain cold
We can hardly wait
To eat our birthday cake
We can't refrain
Excitements hard to contain
Happy days ahead
Can't go to bed
Party Party Party
Trying not to get farty
The count down is on
The fun has just begun!
4 days till Brooke's
and 12 till Michelle's


Jen said...

Happy Birthday to both of you! I am so glad Michelle, that you are part of our family. You bring so many great ideas (like sheet rocking over the fireplace for one recent example), fun parties, beautiful children and just plain great times to our family. My brother is very lucky to have you.
Brooke, what a blessing you are with your calm nature and love of animals. You and your mom are a lot alike, it is fitting that you were born in the same month. We have much to celebrate this month!
See you both on Saturday!

Julie said...

I like your poem! I love that you are both born the same month. You two are the most alike in looks and temperment too. Don't you think? Brooke is your little twin. :)