January is my favorite! Gee I wonder why? It's such a beautiful month as well. I love the snow and fresh crisp winter air. The last savor of cold Winter until alas Spring. We enjoy the winter sports skiing, boarding, sledding, and skating. We hope to do more of these sports as our family is growing up! Hopefully Santa will bring the girls some gear next year! It's a time to reflect and plan. A new beginning for adventure and growth lies in the year ahead!
Chris designed, texted, emailed, ate, drove, took care of sick wife, drove kids to school, talked, read, slept, planned a trip to paradise, repeat.
Michelle had a birthday, undecorated, ate cake, broke a nail, got tired, stayed up late, facebooked, texted, shopped, read with kids, ordered scholastic books, took girls shopping, got sick...barf, got better, repeat.
Taylor did homework with her new BFF Maddy, made a mess, listened to ipod, passed off times tables, got a new swimming suit, did her own hair, cleaned some boogers off walls, got sisters together to pray that Mom would get better, repeat.
Brooke made up some interesting outfits, has been using lipstick as deodorant, bounced, colored, colored all over playroom, getting good at reading, finished her homework in two days, got a new swimming suit, played with Presley, dressed up a lot, ate treats, repeat.
Presley played in Mom's shoes, played barbies, colored permanent marker all over favorite barbie's face, drank milk, fell asleep in the car, got a new swimming suit, played quietly all by herself, fell asleep on the stairs, read with Mom, practiced abc's, did a dance for parents, repeat.
And that's a peek at our week...repeat