Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Gym Guru Says

I forgot that I gave all of you my blog address. Oops! I've been really busy enjoying my good life and totally forgot to post info about working out for you! Let alone anything for the past few months. So sorry! Recently I wrote an email to a friend and I thought it was a good brief summary of things to know to get you started! So here you go.

I have a handout and Hollie Warlaumont has a couple handouts, from enrichment night! I would be willing to sit down with you and talk to you about your fitness. I am available Tues & Thurs between 1-3. Or Wednesday evenings or Saturdays. Let me know what I can do!

My experience is 17 years of working out. I've learned the most from my personal trainer, took some weightlifting classes in high school and college and read some books. I am no certified personal trainer, but I do have some life experience in this area. The best thing you could do if finances allow would be to hire a personal trainer. I know some good ones if you're interested. Or go to llfit.com

I also suggest you get a Gym membership if you don't already have one. There's really no better way in my mind, because you get all the equipment you need, time away from home for yourself, and possibly some new friends, not to forget that cute figure and healthy body. Plan on 3-4 days of cardio 30mins minimum and MOST IMPORTANT...3-4 days of lifting WEIGHTS 30 min minimum! Change your weight lifting workout every 6-12 weeks, you always have to trick your body into working for you, the darn things are so dang efficient! Also I take a week off of lifting weights every 6 weeks, your body needs this time to recover and restimulate.

Womens Fitness Magazines have some good workout ideas in them as well as recipes and healthy ideas, but again a personal trainer would be perfect at setting it up for you! I also really like the book "The Abs Diet" It has my exact way of eating in it and a workout you could probably use to begin with. I also like the books "Body for LIfe" and "Eating for Life," they have eating ideas and "Body for Life" has a good beginner workout in it.
The NUMBER ONE WAY you can lose weight is EATING healthy. Eating healthy doesn't mean eating less it just means eating good foods at healthy portions. 6 small meals are best...Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack. Hollie's handout helps with this a lot!

As far as motivation...I've always liked this quote by Lance Armstrong that goes like this: "Pain is temporary, quitting is forever!" So get to it!!! You're all welcome to email me or call me as well! My phone number is on the ward list and my email is mayfield.michelle@gmail.com Good Luck!

Love Your Gym Guru
aka Michelle